Have you thought of travelling solo this 2018? You’re not alone. Many solitary adventurers are finding solo travel a joyful and liberating experience.
Here are five reason why you should travel solo this year.
- You can go to places where you ONLY want to go
Packaged tours often include joiners tours, which have a set itinerary that follows a specific schedule. When you travel solo, you have the freedom to choose to do things and visit places of your choice without the extra side trips that doesn’t excite you and restaurants with set menu and are packed with tourists.
- You can eat anything and everything you want whenever you feel like to
One of the joys of travelling is food. When you travel in a group, the majority decides where to have the next meal, but if you are lone adventurer, you are your own boss when it comes to eating out. Find hidden gems, try local offerings, dine and wine in top-rated restaurants whenever you want.
- You never have to wait for anyone especially if you’re on schedule
Are you time conscious? That’s good because you’ll never have to wait for the whole group before embarking on a tour if you go solo. You can walk around and eat around at your own pace. Wouldn’t that be cool?
- You can read for hours or do nothing in a park or cafe
Travelling can be exhausting and if you’re the type who likes to have some down time in between destinations or if you like to set aside an entire day just for relaxation, solo travel is definitely for you.
- You can spend hours rummaging through shops and market stalls
When you travel with friends, sometimes shopping can feel like a frustrating thing to do especially if you have different preferences. Some people like to shop high-end brands, some only shop on sale and discounts only, while others prefer local or handmade items.
Are you ready for your solo travel this 2018? Type ‘YES’ in the comments section.