The Most Common Eye Disorders Caused By Aging

As we grow older, problems in vision become more normal and prevalent. However these changes might also be symptoms that lead to further damage. The good news is that many eye problems and diseases can be treated if recognized right away.

Here are the most common eye problems and how you could avoid or treat them:


Glaucoma is a disease caused by fluid building in the front part of the eye. The optic nerve that carries information from the eye to the brain is damaged by the pressure brought by the fluid. This disease can run in families.

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness for people over 60 years old. But blindness from glaucoma can often be prevented with early treatment.

Be sure to have regular checkups with an ophthalmologist.


Cataracts are the most common cause of vision loss in people over age 40 and are the principal cause of blindness in the world.

A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s natural lens, where your vision becomes distorted; colors appear as faded and lights appear more glaring than usual. Cataracts may have a small effect on your eyes at first. So if you notice that your vision is starting to blur a little, be sure to consult an eye doctor as soon as possible.

Cataracts can be treated with surgery, replacing the cloudy lens with a clear plastic one.

Age-related Macular Degeneration

Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a disorder wherein a part of the retina called the macula is damaged. The macula is a part of the eye that allows you to see fine detail. With AMD, you lose your central vision which you need for “straight-ahead” activities like reading, sewing and driving.

There are two types of AMD: Dry AMD and Wet AMD. Dry AMD is a more common ailment than Wet AMD, where you slowly lose your central vision. Wet AMD is a more serious case, as you lose your vision faster due to abnormal blood vessels that grow under the retina.


Have you gone through any of the eye problems mentioned above? If yes, share it with the community in the comments below.

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