6 Of The Worst Foods For Your Teeth

Maintaining pearly white teeth is something that many people are conscious of. Quality teeth whitening products (those that are safe and effective) can be pricey. Teeth whitening sessions at the dentist are not essentially cheap.

Keeping your teeth white shouldn’t be awfully expensive. Avoiding certain foods is an effective way to give your smile bright and white.

  1. Red wine

If you love wines, you’ve probably had that funny red wine smile after a few glasses. Red wine may seem harmless but too much of it can actually stain your teeth.

  1. White wine

Did you know that white wine can cause yellow teeth as well? Before you pour yourself a glass of chardonnay, take note that white wine can cause yellow teeth as well. It’s not because of the color but the acid that is present in the white wine and its effect on your teeth.

  1. Tea and coffee

It’s no secret that caffeinated beverages cause teeth discolouration. However, due to the addictive nature of coffee, people do not even try to give up on it. Well, the good news is, you don’t have to. You just have to add milk or your choice of creamer to combat the stain.

  1. Fresh lemon and lime

The acid in citrus fruits can actually strip off the enamel of your teeth – the protective coating. When the enamel eroded, the teeth reveals its yellow undertones.

  1. Beetroot

Beets can also leave unpleasant stains on your pearly whites. To combat the effect, munch on some cheese.

  1. Balsamic vinegar and soy sauce

If you look at the label closely, most balsamic vinegars are made up of fifteen per cent sugar. The dark and sticky liquid quickly attaches itself to your teeth so monitor your consumption if you want to maintain healthy, white teeth.


Do you know other foods that can cause teeth discolouration?

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