3 Weight Loss Tips That Have Stood The Test Of Time

If you’re on a weight loss journey, chances are you find most of your information online. The internet offers tons of information of the health and wellness category that sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint which is true and which is not.

However, this shouldn’t be the case. If you are trying to lose weight, all you need to start is to take a step back and think about the tried and tested methods that helped many people lose weight without the crazy diet fads.

  1. Remember that weight loss is 80 per cent food and 20 per cent exercise

Not everyone has the time to go to the gym five times a week or pump weights everyday to lose weight. Research shows that food has the most impact when it comes to shedding pounds. Exercise is important yes, but the right diet should be the priority.

  1. Cut all the processed foods

By just staying away from simple carbohydrates (e.g. donuts, bread, pasta), and focus on complex carbs (e.g. wheat bread, brown rice, steel cut oats), veggies, and fruits, you are cutting a lot of sugar from your diet. Sugar that you probably don’t need if you are not an active person.

  1. Eat real food

Fruits and vegetables, herbs, meat, quality dairy, free-range eggs, nuts, and seeds. It’s not enough to cut away processed foods nowadays. Large scale farming and mass produce are not as natural as they were before. Be cautious about the quality of food.

  1. Drink plenty and only water

Nothing hydrates like water. We’ve been conned into thinking that it’s perfectly okay to drink any liquid but water. Just look at the assortment of diet soft drinks juices, sports drinks, and energy drinks of the market. Nothing cleanses and flushes toxins from your system like water. So, make it a habit to drink water everyday and plenty of it!

Are you using any of the mentioned weight loss tips? Tell us your experience in the comments.


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