5 Reasons Why Eggs Are the Healthiest Food In The World

Eggs get such a bad rep in the nutrition industry even though many studies have proven otherwise. Probably, the biggest controversy surrounding eggs is you guessed it right – cholesterol.

This particular issue blew up five decades ago when the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the American Heart Association was released 50 years ago, which puts a limit on how much cholesterol a person should only consume per day. Sadly, this dietary recommendation did not evolve as fast as science does over the years.

As we understand it now based on factual research and experiments, dietary cholesterol (the kind you’ll find in eggs) actually has very little effect on blood cholesterol, and eggs are actually beneficial to the human body.

  1. Aids in weight loss

Eating eggs in the morning, instead of bagels or any sort of bread, can actually help you lose weight based on certain studies. As a matter of fact, one particular research showed that women subjects found eating eggs early in the day very satisfying that tend to eat less at later meals.

  1. Rich in protein

If you’re wondering why bodybuilders love eggs, the answer is protein. Whole eggs are an excellent source of protein. They contain amino acids which is essential for our diet and it’s more easily digested than other protein sources.

  1. Eggs don’t cause heart disease

It’s true that eggs contain cholesterol, but contrary to popular belief, the dietary cholesterol found in eggs do not adversely affect blood cholesterol levels that can cause a variety of health problems. In fact, egg cholesterol raise HDL or what doctors call the ‘good cholesterol’.  

  1. It’s good for your memory

Aside from being a protein-rich food, eggs are also choline-rich, has been found to stimulate brain development and function, as well as improve memory.

  1. Eggs are good for your eyes

There are two antioxidants found in eggs – leutin and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants have been shown to make your eyes healthy by protecting them from macular degeneration and cataracts.


Do you incorporate eggs in your daily diet?


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