The Real Reason Why Planes Have to Be Kept Cold

It doesn’t matter where you are headed, which class you paid for, or whether you’ve been seated near the window, middle, or aisle seat, there’s one thing that every passenger is not invincible from, and that’s the freezing cabin temperature.  

But, why does the cabin temperature need to be kept cold?

Well, the reason behind it totally makes sense. According to a research conducted by the American Society of Testing and materials, a warm cabin can be detrimental to the passengers’ health. A rise in cabin temperature can cause nausea or dehydration.

Take note, you are sharing a cabin with probably a hundred more people. That’s a lot of body heat combined to cause a rise in temperature inside a small and confined space.

More accurately, industry standards say that most cabin are kept between 22 to 23°C.

So, when you feel like uncomfortable with an extremely cold cabin, think of the alternative which involves 100 dehydrated passengers onboard, which is a lot worse.


Were you aware of the air travel fact before? Do you find airplane cabins extremely cold?


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